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kldThis notice is from the Australian Government Department of Education and Training (the department), to advise you that the department has requested that your child’s school provide a statement of addresses, in accordance with the Australian Education Regulation 2013 (Cth) (Regulation). Download Excursion Note


A statement of addresses contains the following information about each student at the school:

  • Student residential address (not student names)

  • Student level of education (i.e. whether the student is a primary or secondary student)

  • Student boarding school status (i.e. whether the student is boarding or a day student)

  • Names and residential addresses of students’ parent(s) and/or guardian(s)

Schools generate a record number for each student for the purposes of this collection, which is also provided to the department.

Purpose of the collection

This collection is routinely used to inform Commonwealth school education policy, and to help ensure that Commonwealth funding arrangements for non-government schools are based on need, and are fair and transparent.

On 20 September 2018 the Government announced that it will implement a new, improved capacity to contribute methodology used in the calculation of the Commonwealth’s needs-based funding arrangements for non-government schools. This follows a review of the existing socio-economic status (SES) score methodology by the National School Resourcing Board. Further information about the review and the Government’s response can be found here: https://www.education.gov.au/review-socio-economic-status-ses- score-methodology.

The information collected in the statement of addresses will be used to refine the new capacity to contribute methodology and may also be used in school funding calculations from 2020.
